favourite photo of 2017

Soho, Hong Kong, May 2017.

Here I was sweating buckets in the Hong Kong humidity and thrilled to bits to finally see a real live Shepard Fairey mural! (Thank you to my friends for patiently searching the side alleys of Soho with me and taking my photo.) Now I'm  huddled up in bed, in the rainy windy Netherlands still disbelieving this photo was taken 8 months ago! Cray Cray. Life has been a full on sprint, with barely moments to catch my wind. I'm very thankful to be where I am right now, but I also want to remember where I was. 

This photo in Hong Kong is fun.. bright, colourful and very instagrammable. Life looks great for me right? Living the dream? The reality was that my trip to Hong Kong was not for fun. Quite the opposite. It was quite a stressful visit because it was necessary for my paperwork for my visa.. and it was quite stressful financially! I had changed jobs and was working through mounds of red tape and messy stuff with the company I had left and the new job I was transferring to (I'll spare you the details). Lots of stress and uncertainty, not to mention flights and bureaucracy. On the upside, I stayed with friends the whole time, which was a huge blessing, not only to hang out and catch up but also to ease up on finding a place to stay. I ate good food, was refreshed by Hong Kong's vibrant design scene and yummy restaurants and I read Jackie Pullinger's biography while whizzing through HK streets on the top level of the famous double-decker buses. 

2017 was a crazy year for me, filled with stress and decisions, and alot of adulting. Around New Year's Eve time I always sit and reflect on the past year, and the word "rebuilding" came to mind to describe 2017. I invested myself in a new career, I built up friends and community in a new city in a new part of the world, I pushed myself to be more environmentally conscious and zero waste in an foreign environment, and remember again and again the God is the one who is truly in control of my life. I was truly joyful in this photo, despite the ongoing stress and drama of my job. Who knows what 2018 will bring? I don't! And I'm looking forward to the adventures. :)

I'm thrilled to have this blog back up and running and I can't wait to share more about my Zero Waste discoveries and my most recent (secondhand) purchase of a delicious fountain pen. Terribly nerdy of me... but I won't apologize for it.
Goodnight, world. 
