thin slices of joy

my puntastic lettering and drawing skillz, motivated by the clever #homwork prompt

    • Hammock errryday. total ha-addicted.
    • started this murder mystery series, not earthshattering but it's nice to have a novel to read that also isn't super racy. Bonus, interesting balance of two professions, priest and police officers. Also, I know nothing about Lutherans. Must research.

      • Atta giRl, Booklyn 99 (season 4 on Netflix) has been bring me so much joy these days. Ridiculous, over the top, and hysterical.
      • this great Youtube channel named Exploring Alternatives is run by Canadians! Woooot! Also chock full of amazing content and Tiny  House tours as well as some rad content including treeforts and airstreams.. basically addicted. 

      What's bringing you joy this week?
      Share it with me in the comments below.
      Have a great week!